Embracing AI

Embracing AI

Artificial Intelligence In a 1765 essay in honour of Descartes, Antione Leonard Thomas summed up Descartes’ first principle as “Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum”: I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am. The first attribute to define being human, in an attempt to...
Family Business

Family Business

What defines a family business?   A lot has been written and said about the idiosyncrasies of a family business. The first question that comes to mind is what defines a family business as such? The answer to this question leads to the next inevitable query: at...
The EU Taxonomy

The EU Taxonomy

Definition   The EU Taxonomy is defined as a “green classification system” which translates the EU’s climate and environmental objectives into criteria for the determination as to what classifies as ‘environmentally sustainable’ or ‘green’. It is part of the EU’s...